This End of the Year Memory Book comes in both print and digital for Google Classroom™ and is a fun way for students to create a special keepsake of memories from this year. The Memory Book is a great activity for centers, distance learning, or simply as part of the school day. I know your students will really enjoy creating their own memory book keepsakes!
It Includes: (Print and Digital)
20 Pages/Slides for Each4 Print Versions:
1. Black and White
2. Color
3. BW for UK, Canada, and Australia (colour and favourite spellings)
4. Colour for UK, Canada, and Australia
Digital Versions:
1. Black and White
2. Color
3. BW for UK, Canada, and Australia (colour and favourite spellings)
4. Colour for UK, Canada, and Australia
Teacher Notes
Teacher Notes for Digital with Links and Step by Step Directions
Here are the Pages Included:
1. Cover Page
2. A Little About Me
3. My Favorite Things
4. Little Known Facts About Me
5. A Few of My Favorite Friends
6. My Teacher
7. My School Day
8. What Did You Learn This Year?
9. The Best Books of the Year
10. Field Trip Memories
11. Special Events
12. And the Award Goes to…
13. Did Someone Say Lunch?
14. Memories of the Year
15. I Will Really Miss…
16. My Summer Plans
17. My Time Capsule
18. My Predictions
19. Class Pictures
20. Autographs
Why you’ll love this resource:
- It comes in low prep print and NO PREP digital for busy teachers!
- There is no mention of a specific grade so you can use it with 2nd – 5th …even if you change grades!
- It was made for Google Slides™ but can also be used on other top educational platforms. Microsoft users can download the files as a PowerPoint.
- Your students will enjoy completing the pages!!!
- It makes a great end of the year keepsake for students.
- It works well as an autograph book for students who may not purchase a yearbook.
If you’re looking for an entire week’s worth of fun, thematic activities for the end of the year, you might want to take a look at these:
Beach Club End of the Year Unit
Art Adventure End of the Year Unit
Summer Safari End of the Year Unit
More end of the year resources:
End of the Year Literacy Set
End of the Year Award Certificates: Editable
End of the Year Awards: Editable
Time Capsule Don’t Open Until High School Graduation Project
I love these hands-on units too!
End of the Year Activities for 3rd – 5th Grades (Set 1)
End of the Year Activities for 3rd – 5th Grades (Set 2)
End of the Year Activities for 3rd – 5th Grades Bundle
Thanks so much!
©The Teacher Next Door™
Purchasing this product grants permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom or for one homeschool parent teaching his/her child. If you would like to share with others, please purchase additional licenses.
This resource may only be placed on a password-protected website for your students, like Google Classroom™. It may not be placed anywhere else on the internet, on a class or school website visible to the public, or on a district server. Please email me if you have any questions: [email protected].
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